Mental Health Dichotomies

I’ve been talking about my mental health for 12 years and for some reason, today and what I’ve written feels real vulnerable. Im nervous. What I know from this is that even when you’re in a good place, there’s still the fear about what others will think when I say my truth. And that realization, understanding that stigma is what’s giving me fear, is the reason I’ve chosen to post it anyway.

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You, My Lovely, Are Not Destined To Suffer

You see, we think that because we’re in pain (mental/physical/emotional) and so much feels out of our control, that it’s just fate. That this is how it’s supposed to be. That maybe we deserve it. That were destined to suffer. But what if we’re not looking at it in the right way? What if this suffering is an invitation instead?

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When Your Body Is Your Battleground (Love Notes) - A Poem

How do you start healing your body when you don’t love it? How do you work on your mind-body connection when you’re already exhausted? Our culture focuses so much on exercise regimes and weight loss and productivity… All things that are loaded with energy and “busy-ness”. But they don’t really address the way to show ourselves compassion. So I wrote down the things I do that make me feel good - the love notes I give myself when I want/need to reconnect - and it turned into this poem.

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21 Ways To Soothe Your Body In Trying Times

Whether you’re handling a mental health diagnoses, or frankly have just been conscious during 2020 so far, chances are your anxiety levels are through the roof. Being in constant fight or flight mode can wreak havoc on your body, causing chronic pain and other symptoms that make you feel super shitty. Being in constant fight or flight mode can wreak havoc on your body, causing chronic pain and other symptoms that make you feel super shitty. Over the years, I’ve compiled a number of practices, rituals and tools that I use to soothe my nervous system and soothe my body when I’m dealing with somatic experiences from mental health challenges. Here’s are 21 of them for you to try!

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3 Artists & Their Creations: How They Created During Lockdown

There’s no doubt that lockdown has brought with it a vast array of emotions, but if there’s one thing that comes with pain, it’s the drive to create in order to heal. One of the things I’ve personally loved about this past few months has been watching artists I know and love really come into their own! It made me so curious as to what drove them, why these artists chose now to step into their creative space and how they felt it impacted their mental health. So I reached out to a few of my faves to see if they would mind answering some questions about their work, and I’m so excited to share their stories with you.

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The Healing Power of Breath Work

Breathing isn’t something I ever considered to be a skill until I started my journey towards healing! I mean, it’s not like optimal breathing is something they teach in schools. At least, they didn’t when I was growing up. Most of us think of breathing as a physiological function that our body does automatically in order to keep us alive. But breathing is about so much more than just feeding us oxygen. It’s actually the one thing that can bring our mind and body back into alignment when they are out of sync.

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When A Book Changes Your Life: Freedom Is An Inside Job by Zainab Salbi

Does anyone else go into book shops and, instead of reading the blurb on the back, they pick up a book and turn to the first page that naturally drops open to see if it’s going to be a good fit? Call it the Universe, the earth’s energy, God… whatever it is, it brought me to this book all those months ago… And it changed EVERYTHING.

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8 Ways To Stay Mindfully Connected During Lockdown...That Won't Sap All Your Energy!

We are living in a time where that which is supposed to connect us, can make us feel more disconnected than ever. Technology makes being confined to our homes more bearable with platforms such as Netflix and social media keeping us occupied and distracted. However, when overloaded with different ways to connect with literally thousands of connections, it can frankly feel rather overwhelming. So what can you do to stay soulfully, meaningfully, mindfully connected to those you care about during lockdown? Here are a few ideas…

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What Is A Mental Health "Trigger"?

Last week I received a message from a really good friend of mine who has been struggling with some panic attacks. She had been listening to the podcast and reading some of our recent posts and asked me what a mental health trigger is. I don’t think we have ever actually gone into the definition before, what they do and how we manage them.

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Faces of Mental Health - My Last 6 Months

I’m spending a lot of time reflecting and thinking about the life I want to create. I’ve been documenting EVERYTHING including MANY selfies (not ashamed)!

Below are a few I wanted to share. Because the truth of it is that I’ve experienced every emotion there is. It hasn’t always been pretty. But I’m truly living. Here’s to life not always being perfectly curated.

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What To Do After Being Laid Off: A 3 Step Action Plan

When I was ‘let go’ from my job I had a realization that went deeper than I ever could have expected. I waited for the breakdown - I really did. I kind of sat in it and waited to be devastated. But instead, something very visceral shifted in me. Instead of feeling that nothing was enough, I started to see everything as enough.

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