Mental Health Dichotomies

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EDIT: You know, I’ve been talking about my mental health for 12 years and for some reason, today and what I’ve written feels real vulnerable. Im nervous. What I know from this is that even when you’re in a good place, there’s still the fear about what others will think when I say my truth. And that realization, understanding that stigma is what’s giving me fear, is the reason I’ve chosen to post it anyway. So here it is.


I have an illness based phobia that lead to OCD, generalized anxiety and disordered eating patterns⁠
I am human, not broken. ⁠

I had a nervous breakdown at 18 years old⁠
I am deserving of a life I love.⁠

I've self harmed⁠
I am worthy of my own small kindnesses. ⁠

I've been suicidal⁠
I am worthy of healing.⁠

I still fall back into the dark sometimes⁠
I am not destined to suffer. ⁠

I often feel lonely in my struggle⁠
I know that I am part of a community of warriors who are in this with me. ⁠

For me, mental health is about holding and managing those dichotomies, every hour, every day, every minute. Mental health exists within all of us, and wherever you are in your journey, I want you to know that I'm here, walking alongside you, cheering you on⁠. Because my lovelies, it gets better. It gets easier. There are so many paths and ways to heal.

You just need to to know that you’re worthy and find what works for you.

So you can officially dub me the mental health hype girl! I'm the one sitting on your shoulder going "YASS GIRL" when you ask for help, or treat yourself, or make the smallest leap of faith towards healing. 🙌

I'm here to remind you that, as a mental health warrior...
You are worthy of creating a life that feels good.
You are worthy of a path to healing.
And you one of the strongest people I know.

Love, Mx
