You, My Lovely, Are Not Destined To Suffer


Now vs a year ago. My goodness, what a difference. In October last year, I was in and out of hospital with no answers, but given that it was the same month I was getting divorced, it didn’t come as a huge surprise that I was experiencing physiological symptoms of my anxiety again. Boy, was I angry.

Why was my body giving up on me now?
Why is this happening to me again?
I got out, I took the leap of faith. Why doesn’t it feel good?

I walked into my therapy session and through teary eyes and waves of light headedness I whispered… “Maybe I’m just supposed to suffer.”

I was so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. My body had turned on me… again! I didn’t even want to address it.

But then, my therapist looked at me and asked me to frame It differently…

“Maddie, what if, instead of abandoning your body, you thought of your symptoms as an invitation to return to your self care practices? To love on yourself more?”

Wait, what? Woah.

You see, we think that because we’re in pain (mental/physical/emotional) and so much feels out of our control, that it’s just fate. That this is how it’s supposed to be. That maybe we deserve it. That were destined to suffer.

We forget that our minds are connected to our bodies and there are SO MANY paths to finding relief. We just need to look for them.

My conversation with my therapist that day lead me down a new path to healing. I got on medication and rebuilt my self care routine so that I could begin to process what had happened and give myself compassion in order to let go of some of the pain.

So the question I want to ask you is this. Do you KNOW what your self care foundations are? Do you know what to return to when things feel hard?

I created a free audio workshop and workbook that walk you through the 4 keys to self care that I believe are at the foundation of all healing. You can find it here.

You, my lovely, were not put here to suffer. 💗 Healing is out there. You just need to know where to look.
