Art projects…

From songwriting to painting, art was always a way I processed what was happening to me. In these pages you’ll find my personal stories, the art that came from that journey, my music, my poetry, my paintings, drawings, videos of the places I’ve traveled to. This, essentially, is me.


She Be…


Hi! I’m Maddie!

First, you should know that I’m an English girl living in America…and the accent is… quirky. Seriously, watch my stories on one day and you'll be like “this girl’s British”....and the next day you would just kind of look at me with squinted eyes and a sideways glance like um, what? Just follow along. You’ll see.

At my core, I’m a mental health warrior. I’ve been managing my mental health since my diagnosis in 2008, but things didn’t get really bad until I moved to the US for love. Although it sounds romantic, I lost who I was, my body shut down and my mental health deteriorated. So in 2019, I took a leap of faith, got divorced and I’ve been on a journey of rediscovery ever since. Which means (amongst other things) I’ve had therapy. A LOT of therapy, and I finally feel like myself again. Now? I’m a high-functioning mental health warrior who has dedicated my life to the journey of self love, healing, and growth.

I’m also a multi-passionate entrepreneur running my own content marketing business, and (importantly) I’m also a proud cat Mumma and artist… who loves books, Beyonce and all things RED (is it obvious?).

She Be Red is the culmination of my journey towards healing. It includes my own story, the stories of others, what I’m learning along the way. You can expect to see content around 3 things: feeling, healing and taking leaps of faith. These are the 3 things I believe are at the root of all healing and growth and I hope the things I’ve learned help you to find your own path to a life you love.

I use Instagram as my personal journal where I share my daily life, insights, tips and tricks to help others find their own path to healing [you can find me at @maddie.nellie and @shebered]. I also share the stories of other mental health warriors and creatives. I believe that storytelling and creativity have the power to heal and the more inspiration you can access, the more likely you are to find something that works. My hope is that somewhere amongst all this, I help you feel less alone and worthy of healing. I hope you find inspiration to overcome some of the challenges you face and heal your mind, body, soul and spirit, so you can create, do more of what you love, feel worthy of all the good things and explore what it really means to be, well, you.



@shebered & @maddie.nellie

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