3 Artists & Their Creations: How They Created During Lockdown


There’s no doubt that lockdown has brought with it a vast array of emotions, but if there’s one thing that comes with pain, it’s the drive to create in order to heal. One of the things I’ve personally loved about this past few months has been watching artists I know and love really come into their own! It made me so curious as to what drove them, why these artists chose now to step into their creative space and how they felt it impacted their mental health. So I reached out to a few of my faves to see if they would mind answering some questions about their work, and I’m so excited to share their stories with you.

Lydia Rose Gilroy is an artist who lives in Charente, France. Lydia is one of those gentle and insightful humans who has gone against the grain and followed her intuition when it came to her life and the choices she made. Her social media is a beautiful reflection of that, including her paintings, insights into her process, her passion for cooking, photos of her studio, and the elements from nature that inspire her work.

During lockdown, Lydia created a series of stunning blue paintings to raise money and awareness for various charities she is passionate about including Trussell Trust, Women’s Aid and Stonewall UK.

I’ve known Lydia from afar for years, and we connected because of her support and passion for mental health awareness. I’m so excited to introduce her to you!

Follow her on Instagram at @_delydia or visit her website at www.delydia.com.


I have been admiring Georgia’s freehand sewing machine drawings since she created her first landscape series, but have adored seeing it develop with the introduction of gold leaf accents.

I’m so in awe of her journey, particularly through lockdown when she and her husband had to quickly adjust their lives. Instead of moving to Lviv as they had planned, they decided to take an online course which prompted her to challenge her own self-limiting beliefs and step into her most creative and authentic self.

Follow her work on Instagram at @georgiahrubiak or take a closer look at her work on her website at www.georgiahrubiak.com.


Molly Green from Lumoli Co is a jewelry designer from Madison, WI who designs and handcrafts stunningly bold, yet delicate, earrings out of polymer clay.

I was introduced to her work by a dear mutual friend who happened to be in her cohort at university and I immediately fell in love with her bold use of color and quirky styles… So I of course ordered, like, 3 pairs and it was love at first sight! I’ve since ordered many more for both me and my friends/family. I.just.can’t.stop.

Throughout lockdown, Molly got increasingly creative with her designs and this was reflected across her business in her fun social media feed!

Follow her on Instagram at @lumoli.co or visit her Etsy shop here.

I loved this process so much that it’s led to a project of my own called Creatives’ Cove, where I will be featuring artists weekly, speaking to the process of creativity and how it relates to mental health. Watch this space.

Whose work have YOU loved following through lockdown? Tell me in the comments below!

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