21 Ways To Soothe Your Body In Trying Times

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Whether you’re managing a mental health diagnoses, or even quite frankly if you’ve been conscious during 2020 so far, chances are your anxiety levels are through the roof. Being in constant fight or flight mode can wreak havoc on your body, causing chronic pain and other symptoms that make you feel super shitty.

I’ve always said I’m thankful for my physical symptoms as they have always been an indication of how I’m feeling before I’m self aware enough to notice. While that mindset gets me through some tough days, it also sucks to be in pain all the time. In my corner, we’ve had canker sores (mouth ulcers), tummy aches, nausea, dizziness, IBS symptoms, tension headaches, random eczema and breakouts. I know. Yum.

Over the years, I’ve compiled a number of practices, rituals and tools that I use to soothe my nervous system and soothe my body when I’m dealing with somatic experiences from mental health challenges.

Here’s are 21 of them for you to try!

  1. Take a bath! A long warm one. Don’t forget to set the ambiance, and take a large bottle of water with you.

  2. Meditation - I’m on day 10 and it’s HELPED. Head to Youtube or your fave app and find someone whose voice you love.

  3. Yummy skincare routine - face masks, jade roller, the whole 9 yards.

  4. Take your rings and necklaces off and embrace the physical feeling of the heaviness leaving your body.

  5. Go to sleep an hour before you normally do.

  6. Go outside every day, even if you just stand outside your front door for the count of ten. Rain or shine. Especially in the rain.

  7. Have a loved one brush your hair for you/play with it.

  8. Stretch - even just a few mins of cat/cow can help.

  9. Alternate nostril breathing. Ya’ll, visit my blog post on breathing here.

  10. Give yourself the gift of fresh sheets. And pair that with freshly washed pajamas!

  11. Proper mouth care - at least once a day. I know there’s many of you who have mastered the art of taking proper care of yourself. But for those of us whose basic self care goes down the toilet when we’re struggling, mouth care is something you should prioritize. Brush your teeth and swish some mouth wash.

  12. Have sex. I know, I know. Ya’ll are blushing. But for real. Embrace the sexy time and have fun with it!

  13. Change up your scents during transition times throughout the day. Burn incense. Light candles. Get yummy room spray.

  14. Find one fruit you LOVE. Peaches in cups, already prepped, have been my number one go-to. Fresh and juicy and I feel nourished (…that’s what she said).

  15. Get a really nice home-cooked meal - like a roast dinner. You England folks will feel me on that.

  16. Get a back rub/massage. Folks, support your local masseuses and buy a gift card for their services so you can look forward to it. Otherwise ask your partner or a friend you trust. Take it in turns if you like.

  17. Legs up the wall. If you don’t know what this is, Google it. You legitimately lie on your back and put your legs up the wall and I’m telling you, it’s the bomb.

  18. Do some gentle cardio, but the rule here is you must enjoy it! That’s right… have FUN. I love me some zumba, and also badminton because if your partner hits the shuttlecock over, you can saunter over while it’s dropping instead of busting your ass trying to run there like with tennis. It’s all about personal preference, ya’ll!

  19. Take a drive. For me it’s somewhere with water. For you, it could be somewhere with a view. Somewhere where you get to drive past cool art, or cross a bridge, or visit a memorial. Just take a drive and get out of your 4 walls.

  20. Cuddle with pets. Or just cuddle in general.

  21. Create something. More on that to come. But it could be music, playlists, or your dream vacation Pinterest board.

What’s missing from my list that you love? Tell me in the comments below!
