What To Do After Being Laid Off: A 3 Step Action Plan

  1. Take at least 3 days off. A week if you can. Disconnect from the place you’ve spent all your time for the last however many years and sit in your own space. Get in tune with your body and turn to self care. Buy a new book on a topic you haven’t jumped into for a while. Go out for drinks with your friends or partner and celebrate all you’ve achieved.

  2. Write a list of all the things that are truly unique to you. Your strengths. Your boldness. What makes you stand out? Which of those things make you feel good in your body. What makes you excited? Follow that feeling.

  3. And REMEMBER, “Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” So take a moment to stop and figure out how to use this opportunity to create some positive change in your life. Maybe it’s more time with the people you love. Maybe it’s getting back in touch with nature. That momentum will carry you where you need to go.

So if this is you, don’t despair, and know that you will find the diamond in the rough. Just give it a little time.

What have been some of the positive you’ve experienced as a consequence of being let go? Tell me in the comments below!

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