I Am Work: Grandad's Legacy



Can we offer them a new philosophy of life? No. But we can offer them an old and wise one. It was this:

I am the source of all prosperity. 

I am the parent of all genius. 

I am the salt that gives life it's savour. 

I have laid the foundation of every fortune. 

I can do more to advance a youth than his own parents, be they ever so wealthy. 

I must be loved before I can bestow my greatest blessings. 

Loved, I make life sweet, purposeful, fruitful. 

I am represented in the humblest savings and in the largest block of investments. 

All progress springs from me. 

I am work. 

I wouldn't say that my Grandad was the easiest person to connect with. He was a little tricky at times, and especially in his older life, he had a way of offending people. However he taught me probably the most important lesson I have ever learnt. Work is crucial. Work is the key. Work is the only way you will get anywhere. 

When I was 7, my family and I moved to northern England to be closer to Mum's parents. In the midst of our transition, we lived with my Grandparents for around 6 months (I think) and my Grandad and I had a morning ritual. Grandma would wake up and go and fetch him a cup of tea, and then when I woke up, I would go and sit in bed with him while he drank it and we would talk about work. We would practice mental maths, and talk about the importance of working hard. It felt like we chatted together for hours, but in reality it was probably only 15 minutes each time.

That lesson has stayed with me throughout my life. It's the reason I pushed so hard to get good grades in my A Levels, it's why I was determined to go to University. It's why I continue to push myself so hard. I’m so grateful for that.

That lesson has evolved and grown through time. I now understand the value of fulfillment and personal growth alongside working. LOVING what you do feeds into working harder and that symbiosis will propel you forward much faster and more efficiently. Working smarter, not always harder. But without my Grandad I'm not sure I would be anywhere near where I am now.

He passed in November 2018 and when I went home to visit the family, I asked Grandma for something of his and she gave me some cufflinks...and this poem. Randomly. It's cut from a newspaper and sat on his desk for years and years and I thought it was so fitting. It was his legacy to me and it now lives on my desk to remind myself why I'm doing what I'm doing. To give myself and my family a good life. To treat people to TIME. To be kind and to be humble and caring. Thoughtful. To be a good human.

Thank you for the lesson, Grandad. <3

Make sure to sit and reflect on those who have contributed to getting where you are today.

Who have been the biggest influencers in your life? Tell me in the comments below!

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