The Healing Power of Breath Work

Breathing isn’t something I ever considered to be a skill until I started my journey towards healing! I mean, it’s not like optimal breathing is something they teach in schools. At least, they didn’t when I was growing up. Most of us think of breathing as a physiological function that our body does automatically in order to keep us alive. But breathing is about so much more than just feeding us oxygen. It’s actually the one thing that can bring our mind and body back into alignment when they are out of sync.

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What Is A Mental Health "Trigger"?

Last week I received a message from a really good friend of mine who has been struggling with some panic attacks. She had been listening to the podcast and reading some of our recent posts and asked me what a mental health trigger is. I don’t think we have ever actually gone into the definition before, what they do and how we manage them.

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Australian Fires - The Light & How You Can Help

It can be really hard to take in a crisis like this whoever you are, but being a highly sensitive person or someone with anxiety means it can have a tough effect on our mental wellbeing. But tonight, a good friend of mine from my local zumba group started a small fundraiser, and it lead me down a different path. For anyone who is looking for resources and places to contribute or get involved, below are some that have been in my immediate feeds over the last 24 hours.

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The 2019 Transformation - Pain, Purpose and Alignment

2019 was a year of complete transformation for me. I mean…total transformation. Like, my life at the beginning of the year looks nothing like the end of it. I didn’t get a chance to send out a Christmas Card this year. But having found so much alignment and fulfillment in being open about my journey, it made sense for me to bring 2019 to a close here at She Be Red! So here are my lessons from 2019.

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When Breakdowns Become Breakthroughs - Maddie's 10 Years of Recovery!

10 years ago this week, I had a mental health breakdown and my life completely changed. Suddenly I was seeing the world through a whole new lens and I didn’t know how I was going to survive it. But here I am, 10 years later, living a life I am so grateful for. So what’s new? What’s changed? How did I turn my breakdown into a breakthrough?

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Faces of Mental Health - My Last 6 Months

I’m spending a lot of time reflecting and thinking about the life I want to create. I’ve been documenting EVERYTHING including MANY selfies (not ashamed)!

Below are a few I wanted to share. Because the truth of it is that I’ve experienced every emotion there is. It hasn’t always been pretty. But I’m truly living. Here’s to life not always being perfectly curated.

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Self Care Essentials: October 2018

What a month. It's been SO SO busy and so emotional. In between my sister visiting, work feeling overwhelming, some struggles in my marriage and keeping up the side hustle, I haven't had much time to breathe. I've tried to really get grounded in the small moments this month and my go to staples have all centered around scent.

Here are a couple of the things that have got me through...

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What To Do After Being Laid Off: A 3 Step Action Plan

When I was ‘let go’ from my job I had a realization that went deeper than I ever could have expected. I waited for the breakdown - I really did. I kind of sat in it and waited to be devastated. But instead, something very visceral shifted in me. Instead of feeling that nothing was enough, I started to see everything as enough.

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