You get to choose.


You get to choose.

💫 I’ve spent a lot of my life on paths that were already carved out for me. It wasn’t a bad thing. My Grandpa and I used to have morning coffees practicing mental maths and talking about the importance of going to university, so going to uni was never not an option. It came from love. I fell in love with an American who came with a dream and so I moved countries to follow that dream with her. It came from love. And I have no regrets.

But when you suddenly find space in your life in a way you didn’t before, you discover that the beautiful thing about being an adult is you get to choose.

To walk away from something toxic. To dare to love again as soon as you want to, refusing to shut your heart down. To carve a life and love YOU want rather than one based on someone else’s opinion of what that should look like or what you deserve. To redefine yourself over and over again. And to be ok with failing and learning the lessons.

Some people won’t believe you can do it. Some people won’t approve of the way you do it. Some people love you so much that they don’t want to see you risk it. Some are terrified of seeing you hurt again and refuse to watch you do it. Just remember that this is YOUR journey. Yours alone. And the people who truly love you will stay the course. But in the end, it’s up to you.

This last year, I lost a job and love that truly defined my perspective and experience on this earth. I thought they defined me. The beauty in that kind of pain is learning that I am not defined by what I have or what I do. I am something else much deeper than that, something much more grounding, and I’m on my way to discovering what that is. 💫

“As she let go of adventures not meant for her, she was brought new ones aligned with her magic”. - Spirit Daughter
