Magic in the resting. My breakdown anniversary.

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It’s my breakdown anniversary this week and while I’ve spent most of December not coping with things very well, I’ve taken this as a message, to slow down, to give thanks, to get curious about what I need. So that’s been my December so far.

One thing that stood out about 2020 is that finding sacred space within myself, instead of requiring it from outside sources (places, people), is so important.

Beautiful people like @sara.duigou and her gorgeous course “Reclaiming Home” sparked a new light for me and taught me the importance of this relationship with myself. And the gorgeous @fullbodiedbekah (who is going to be a podcast guest in January!!) has inspired me to treat my body with kindness and learn a new way to communicate with her (my body) that isn’t based on scarcity.

So I took these lessons and made a plan for 2021 that feels good and I’m going all in. So far on the docket...

Breath coaching, working with a nutritionist to gain insight on proper nourishment, taking a course about a decolonized, wild-hearted, deeply aligned way of doing business. And a journaling course, so I can learn how to unpack what I’m feeling without needing outside sources.

I am so excited for this next phase. To learn to trust and take care of my body and her intuition. She’s carried me a long way. She deserves some love.

I will bring you along for the ride and share what I learn with you all. For now, I hope you are all having a peaceful end to the year. That you’re finding stillness and space in your world.

There’s so much magic in the resting.
