Pulling back the curtain on 2020.


I lit my hair on fire last night. It was a total accident - I was leaning over one candle to blow out the other and all of a sudden there was a crackling and a flame and the fire took a small chunk out of the front of my hair. Don’t worry (especially you, Mum!) All is well. My hair is so wild that you can’t even really tell and I wasn’t hurt in any way... and it is also the perfect end to 2020.

There are ashes all around us from fires we never could have predicted going into 2020.

This year has taken away things we took for granted. And it’s been searingly painful. In all honesty, I’ve been much quieter on here because I've had a really hard hard time trying to understand the best way forward. I’ve felt deep, deep sadness and disconnection and through that, I realized that I needed more help. The fascinating thing about this is that I’m working on 4 specific areas of my life (breath work, nourishment, processing and business) with 4 different people and each one of them is telling me the same thing… to listen.

To my body.
To the lessons.
To my breath.
To the pain.

It’s so easy to be like “FUCK 2020” and move forward in denial it ever happened. But you guys, this pulling back of the curtain, has revealed what truly matters. And it ain’t about money or achievements.

✨It’s in honest, emotive connection with our people and ourselves.
✨It’s in genuine curiosity and the process of learning and unlearning.
✨And it’s in finding purpose, and working alongside that purpose to create a life that actually feels good.

So today I’m holding space for all that’s been. Honoring the lessons. Reflecting on treasured memories, big takeaways, remembering all the people we’ve lost. Honoring every emotion that comes my way. And leaning into 2021 with a raw hopefulness.

I’m holding space for you too. I invite you to honor your lessons. To listen to the pain points and hold hands with them so you can carve a way forward in 2021 that feels good.

So here’s to healing.
To asking for help when we need it.
And to honoring the full range of human emotion.
