You are not a burden.

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A couple of years ago, someone I loved told me that I was a burden. That my mental health was a burden. That I was "too emotional"...⁠

And at the time, I believed them. ⁠

Through therapy, I learned that this was far from the truth and actually, I was just telling my story in an unsafe place and to someone undeserving of my vulnerability.⁠

Mental health stigma exists at all levels. ⁠

👉 Institutionally, with medical doctors who aren't trained in mental health best practices.

👉 Relationally, with others not understanding or having conversations about what mental health actually is. ⁠

👉 Internally, with us thinking that having a mental illness means we are broken. ⁠

It's this stigma that makes us feel like a burden when we need help.⁠

But we're not a burden. ⁠
We are human. ⁠

Feeling emotion, is human. ⁠
Searching for healing, is human. ⁠
Hurting, is human. ⁠
Needing support, is human.⁠

When I realized that the situation I was in was an unsafe space for me to experience and express my mental health, I left, and now? My world is now full of safe spaces and safe people, and I want that for you too. ⁠

That's why I'm here. Telling my story in a bit of a shakier space. Trying to destroy mental health stigma. So we can all have open conversations about our mental health and start creating lives that actually feel good! ⁠Communication and community is such an important part of that process.

So let's start with community. I will be sending out my first newsletter in November. This newsletter will be a place for us to exhale. To find peace and tools in our day to day that help us feel grounded and supported. Make sure to join my mailing list in my bio if you’d like to have a read.

If you're feeling like a burden, I want you to know you're not. I am here. I understand what you're going through. And I want you to know that there are accepting and loving spaces and tools out there for you, and you deserve to find them. ⁠

Because you, my lovely, are not a burden.⁠
You are human. ⁠
