The love you give yourself, is the most important love you’ll ever have.


If you are reading this, I want you to know that no matter how far gone you think you are. No matter how alone. No matter how broken you feel. There is a way back. To yourself. To healing. To life. To love.

Two years ago, this day was incredibly painful for me. It had been for some time, even though things on the outside didn’t appear that way.

I reached a tipping point.
I didn’t have anything left.

And somehow, someway, I chose myself.
I chose to start finding space in my life to love myself again.
I took a leap of faith. Although in reality that was a tiny, tiny step.
And although the road was long and windy, I will forever find gratitude for February 14th, 2019.

I see you, warrior.
Don’t give up.
Choose you.
Choose light.
Choose love.
Because that true love, the love you give yourself, is the most important love you’ll ever have.
