Popcorn kernels and other fun facts.


In the podcast, and over the past few years in my activism, you have gotten to know ALL the things about my journey with mental health, so I wanted to share a few random things you may NOT already know!

I love to eat the popcorn kernels left at the end of the bag, especially if they are like, half popped. I’m not sorry.

My favorite movies are Lord of the Rings and Interstellar. Epics spanning a long period of time, great character development, an in-depth story line and some form of sci-fi/fantasy are usually a win for me! Avatar is up there too.

I studied politics, nuclear policy and terrorism at university. I wrote my dissertation on 9/11 and Al Qaeda. I was determined to understand what the heck happened from the moment I saw it on the TV and realized that the world was so much more complex then I had realized.

I have 7 tattoos. Most of them are on my forearms, but I have a big abstract weeping buddha on my arm which is my absolute fave.

My favorite place on this earth is Chatsworth House in the UK. For me, people feel like home most of the time. Chatsworth is the one place that feels like home home. I went there to make every major life decision growing up. (This isn’t a real home... just a place I spent a lot of time growing up… although I would love to live in Pemberly 😉). @chatsworthofficial

I don’t drink caffeine or alcohol. Both completely mess with my body. 95% of the time, I drink non-flavored sparkling water. It’s my fave!

So there’s a few things you might not have known. Tell me something completely random about you!
