On healing past selves. Thank you therapy.

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Every day, always, you are carrying around past versions of yourself.

You know what’s beautiful about that? The newer versions, the ones who found a new path, can speak to the older, more vulnerable versions when they appear and help heal them, reassure them and let them know that they can rest.

I am carrying the 25 year old married Maddie who was told she is “too emotional” and “broken”.

And now? I’m the person who left a bad situation, who is more sure of herself than ever before and holds compassion for every part of who she is.

So whenever old Maddie pops up, doubting herself or questioning if she’s “too emotional”, current me can be there to reassure her.

It goes something like this…

“Oh my god, it’s happening again. I’m too emotional. It’s going to be too much for [X]!”

“I know you’ve been hurt before, but remember: Your strength is in your sensitivity. Your emotional awareness is your superpower. Being a Highly Sensitive Person means that you notice subtleties others don’t see. And if someone truly loves you, these things will be treasured by them. Rest. I got this.”

And then it’s over. She rests. We go on. We heal.

Thank you therapy.
Thank you therapy.
Thank you therapy.
