3 Artists & Their Creations: How They Created During Lockdown

There’s no doubt that lockdown has brought with it a vast array of emotions, but if there’s one thing that comes with pain, it’s the drive to create in order to heal. One of the things I’ve personally loved about this past few months has been watching artists I know and love really come into their own! It made me so curious as to what drove them, why these artists chose now to step into their creative space and how they felt it impacted their mental health. So I reached out to a few of my faves to see if they would mind answering some questions about their work, and I’m so excited to share their stories with you.

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When A Book Changes Your Life: Freedom Is An Inside Job by Zainab Salbi

Does anyone else go into book shops and, instead of reading the blurb on the back, they pick up a book and turn to the first page that naturally drops open to see if it’s going to be a good fit? Call it the Universe, the earth’s energy, God… whatever it is, it brought me to this book all those months ago… And it changed EVERYTHING.

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Self Care Essentials: October 2018

What a month. It's been SO SO busy and so emotional. In between my sister visiting, work feeling overwhelming, some struggles in my marriage and keeping up the side hustle, I haven't had much time to breathe. I've tried to really get grounded in the small moments this month and my go to staples have all centered around scent.

Here are a couple of the things that have got me through...

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