Fear Is Excitement Without The Breath - 2 Must-Read Biz Books

If you are reading this and you don’t know me, you will soon find out that I’m obsessed with self development books. In fact, it’s usually the only type of book I read and I always have 5 ready to read at home and half a dozen in my Amazon cart. I just can’t get enough. I always have a race with myself at how fast I can read them and I draw in every single book. Highlighting, making notes. This way I can go back and re-read in a quick, super efficient way. 

So what was on my reading list for October?


The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks

I read this book in a day. I kid you not. I took it to Sundara on a spa trip with a girlfriend and zipped through this book over the course of the day - [Please note the tatty mess that is now this book from having dropped it in the pool not once, but TWICE].

It’s about this idea that we impose upper limits on ourselves and once we start reaching that capacity, we naturally sabotage ourselves which brings us back down within comfortable limits. How do you reach for more? How do you break through this barrier and reach the ‘level of genius’? 

One of my absolute favorite lessons from this book was this idea that “fear is just excitement without the breath…the same mechanisms that produce excitement also produce fear and any fear can be transformed into excitement by breathing fully with it.” I just love this. I’ve been pushing myself to reach new levels and ceilings recently and, truth be told, I’ve been really nervous. I love the idea that I can take control of this and become excited about the possibilities attached to my fears. 


It’s about this idea that we impose upper limits on ourselves and once we start reaching that capacity, we naturally sabotage ourselves which brings us back down within comfortable limits. How do you reach for more? How do you break through this barrier and reach the ‘level of genius’? 

One of my absolute favorite lessons from this book was this idea that “fear is just excitement without the breath…the same mechanisms that produce excitement also produce fear and any fear can be transformed into excitement by breathing fully with it.” I just love this. I’ve been pushing myself to reach new levels and ceilings recently and, truth be told, I’ve been really nervous. I love the idea that I can take control of this and become excited about the possibilities attached to my fears. 


High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard

This book was recommended to be by a colleague. It’s one that a woman I admire is studying with her book club this month and so far, its a winner. Helloooo data driven insight. This book is thick with studies and statistics. It’s truly revolutionary, analyzing the main habits that extraordinary people possess and how we can initiate those into our own lives. It’s a chunker…so I admit I haven’t quite finished it. But here’s one of my fave quotes so far…

“If you aren’t consistently measuring the major arenas of your life, then you couldn’t possibly know what the balance you seek is, or is not.” Ya’ll know me and goal setting. But the measuring is something I am slacking at. One to add to my morning routine ;) 

***update! I finished it! Another favorite quote - "Self development isn't about ease. It's about growth."


What are you reading right now? What books did you just finish? Let me know or tag me in your pics on Insta at @shebered. 

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