Vickie Amiralis - Artist

Vickie Amiralis is an artist who lives in the UK and has a diverse creative portfolio including community projects, objects, publications and color rich illustrations.

I was first made aware of her work by my cousin who sent me a link to her DIY art show she organized during lockdown. Vickie invited the world to organize and take part in their own (socially distanced) art shows, to gather communities and encourage them to create and display their art in their home windows. Learn more about who has taken part and how you can organize an art show on your street here.

Vickie’s illustrations are full of texture and rich in color. Check out her beautiful work on Instagram at @vickieamiralis or visit her website at

Jen Schaefer - Beauty Blogger

Let me tell you about my friend Jen. Jen is a Beauty Blogger and is one of those people who pops up on your timeline and instantly brings the joy. Jen creates face art via beauty tutorials as a beauty guide with LimeLife. You name it, she’s probably done it, and if she hasn’t she will most certainly figure out how! She inspires me to be a better human and I’m so excited to be able to introduce you to her work!

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