Music Therapy

Awareness warrior. Survivor. Creator. Musician. Empath.

Music is an amazing source of self care for me. From when I was 11 and found out that my best friend was 'going out with' the guy I liked, music has been my saving grace ;) From then on, regardless of what was going on...happy OR sad, I wrote a song about it. Heartbreaks, loves, loss, success, grief, mental health - you name it, I have a song for it! Below you can see some live performances of mine or click on Phoenix to take a peek at the album I released to raise awareness for mental health. 


The Album

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Untitled design (5).png

Other Tracks...



This song speaks to any of those who would critique you. Tell you that you're irrational, too emotional, unworthy, incapable. Too weak. It was a way for me to survive a particularly tough part of my life full of doubt.

"Please don't silence me, write me off as weak. 

I am who I am from my history. 

Not ashamed who I was is the product of love. 

I don't need your critique.

I'm drowning I can't seem to find my way out

Haunted with demons I can't figure out.

I'm losing myself in what I can't be. 

Searching for answers, tell me what does it mean to be me."



This one speaks for itself. But it’s about my journey with faith and how tough it can be to trust in the darkness.

Ps. Let’s not talk about the fact that this video is literally just my foot on the table ;)




This is one of the only recordings that I have of this song. It was the first song I wrote about mental health and lead to the Phoenix journey (see more by clicking on the Phoenix Album link at the top of the page).





Coming out. Meeting someone. An adventure in Thailand.

This song was birthed from those experiences.



Not the Doctor (Alanis Morissette Cover)

This was one of my favorite performances of all time. Our secondary school put on a musical extravaganza every year where students would come to showcase their music on dozens of stages. My friend Kate and I put on a show for a couple of years. One of the things I loved about it was how ad hoc it was. We just met up one afternoon and decided what we would play. Hence why I have someone holding the lyrics for me here...progress not perfection, right! :) 

I grew up with Alanis as my Mum played her music all the time.

This was one of my faves.